Orchestrator 2012: SCOM activities are failing with error “Input string was not in a correct format”

I had recently a problem with my System Center Operations Manager 2012 (RTM) activities on my Orchestrator 2012 SP1 runbook servers.

All runbooks with SCOM activities failed. So I created a test runbook with only on SCOM activity (Get Monitor), enabled logging and checked what the error is.

The error text was: Failed to load the object properties. The exception was “Input string was not in a correct format.”.


The web search did not help and I tried a lot: restarted server, redeployed SCOM integration pack, started SCOM console, which was working, tried with a new SCOM connection. Nothing helped.

So I opened a ticket with Microsoft support and they really helped very fast. Thanks!

The solution was this:

The problem was the Operations Manager Console cache, which was corrupted.

  1. To clean up this, recreate the SCOM connections with the same name.
  2. Start the SCOM console with the clear cache option: "C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2012\Console\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Console.exe" /clearcache